Wednesday, March 02, 2011

A busy day on the farm

Today was one of those days. Strong winds, rain, a couple of sheep with fly strike, a journalist came this morning to do an interview for a magazine article and this afternoon we had our annual audit for the Free Range Farmers Association.

I think I'll have a coffee now and go to bed to watch some DVD's of the old Avengers TV series!

At least our egg production is holding up well and we don't have any problems meeting all the orders. We don't have a market this weekend so with a bit of luck I should be able to cruise for the next couple of days.

Anne retires from her part time job with Trust for Nature this week, so she will on the farm full time which will make things considerably easier and should mean that we can get our veggie garden back in shape. It has been sadly neglected for the past year or so.

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