Saturday, March 22, 2025

Plans for AI to boost egg production

 Academics and big egg producers are investigating the use of high tech to increase egg production. They are using smart technology like sensors and artificial intelligence , which they say will help farmers produce more eggs while keeping their chickens healthier and happier. They use words like "developing a sensor-embedded flock management system which detects health, welfare and productivity indicators using artificial intelligence to provide community-based learning to farmers and the supply chain."The project, called Flockwise, is supported by Innovate UK, a government organization that helps UK companies develop new products and services. A much simpler system would to boost production by encouraging more small-scale farm businesses which maintain bird health by keeping the flocks in natural conditions rather than in overcrowded sheds.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Let avian influenza run

 Robert F Kennedy junior is regarded by many as a nutcase. But sometimes he makes sense. The US Secretary of Health stated on Fox News that farmers "should consider the possibility of letting avian influenza run through their flocks so that the birds which are immune can be identified. He suggested that 'natural immunity' was better than contaminating birds with vaccines.

Monday, February 10, 2025

New pullets have arrived

 Our latest point of lay Isa Brown pullets were delivered yesterday. They are looking great, as always. Our supplier, Yellingo Free Range hens does a terrific job raising the chooks. Thanks Kevin. As usual, we ordered a few more than we need as our replacements, which allows some pullets to be sold to locals who want hens in their backyards. All are fully beaked and have been innoculated against the main  poultry ailments Mareks disease Newcastle disease, Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD), Infectious Bronchitis (IB)Infectious Laryo Tracheitis (ILT Egg Drop Syndrome (EDS) Fowl Pox (FP) contact us if you would like to order some.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Time for truth about the egg shortage

 What is the truth about a shortage of eggs in supermarkets? Producers say there are plenty of eggs  despite minor disruptions in the supply chain. Australian Eggs managing director Rowan McMonnies said there is no imbalance between supply and demand.However major supermarkets have blamed a shortage of supply as the reason behind their bare shelves.  They can’t both be right!

Avian Influenza spread by workers at intensive facilities

 Even Americans are beginning to recognise that it is the huge numbers of chickens housed for egg production that causes health problems and results in a decline in egg production, The New York Times pushed that point recently, along with the revelation that the diseases are usually a result of contamination by workers. That cwetainly seems to be the case with the latest outbreaks of Avian Influenza at Euroa.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Isa Brown pullets available

 Until more free range farms are established, the best way for lovers of good food is to have their own chickens to lay eggs.

Point of lay Isa Browns are available from us in Stanley Road Grantville  at $35 each. A few older hens are $20 each. 0356788483

Demand for eggs has gone through the roof and consequently there is a shortage – which in turn has led to a massive clamour from people wanting chickens for their backyards. We have been unable to meet that demand until now. From late February we will have  Isa Brown chickens available at the farm.  Email or call to place orders.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Setting up your own farm can be easier than you think


Setting up your own free range farm could be easier than you think. Our eBook on how to set up a sustainable freerange farm is even more valuable now the clear consumer demand for free range eggs is outstripping supply. The current shortage of eggs provides huge opportunities.The shortage demonstrates the importance of local production and provides a great opportunity for new small scale egg operations to supply needs in each area. Low density systems are far less susceptible to disease than the major industrial-scale producers and an additional benefit is that the supply chain is far shorter.

Small, ethical and sustainable farm businesses can be established to service local communities.

A good starting point is checking out our website then reading our(pdf) eBook on starting a free range farm. Order via email and the pdf will be sent once payment appears in the Bendigo Bank bank account send $245 to A & P Westwood BSB 633000 acc 153356233.