Friday, November 02, 2012

ACCC rejects Egg Corp's high density proposal.

The ACCC's initial findings on the Australian Egg Corporation plans to increase free range stocking rates to 20,000 birds per hectare have rejected the trade mark application.

The ACCC is concerned that the AECL Standards are inconsistent with consumer expectations and understanding of free range egg production. The ACCC is concerned that the use of the trade mark in the circumstances of such inconsist
ency has the potential to mislead or deceive consumers.

The ACCC does not believe that the Egg Corp Standard would meet consumer expections for free range.

Of 1700 submission, only 7 supported the AECL proposal (and most of those were probably AECL Board members and staff)

A great win for the free range sector of the industry and a kick in the teeth for the Egg Corporation.
More details here:

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