Thursday, January 12, 2023

Growing your own food. Point of lay chickens available in March


A few point of lay Isa Brown chickens will be available at the farm in March. Email us or phone to arrange pick up. They are 16 weeks old, fully vaccinated  ideal layers for home flocks .For those with bigger plans, our eBook on setting up a freerange farm is still available to guide you through the planning maze and government regulations. Details on our website. Families deciding they want a few hens to give themselves fresh eggs, need to decide which hens to buy. Some heritage breeds look terrific but they are often not prolific layers – or they might have cranky temperaments which make them unsuitable around children. Choosing the right hens for your backyard can be a simple process once you have sorted out a suitable roaming area, coop and laying boxes.Either pay via EFT when ordering - banking details on our website - or cash on pick up.

ISA Brown hens have exceptional feed conversion and lay up to 300 eggs a year. The ISA Browns are docile, adapt well to different climates and are ideal as free range layers or for backyards where they make great pets as well as providing nutritional food for the family.

1 comment:

freeranger said...

Forward orders have flowing in for pullets but we should still have some avaialable.