Sunday, December 03, 2023

Trialling feed additive from mussel waste


At Freeranger Eggs, we are about to begin trialling a supplementary feed additive processed from Blue Lipped freeze-dried Mussels which could boost the nutritional value of eggs, particularly levels of omega 3 fatty acids. Freeranger Eggs has Isa Brown chickens on our 80 hectare farm run by Anne and Phil Westwood..

The supplement is provided by PETS HEALTHRUS in Geelong after the mussel waste is processed by Forager Foods in Tasmania. Preliminary work on utilising mussel waste has been undertaken in New Zealand by the Government’s Callaghan Innovation Agency but Freeranger Eggs is the first in Australia to try the process. We are awaiting the delivery from Tasmania so we can start.

Followers of our blog and website know that genuine freerange eggs from hens with unlimited access to pasture already have twice the Omega 3 levels of cage or barn laid eggs as well as 7 times the beta carotene, 3 times the vitamins E and A. The supplement adds essential calcium, nutrients and protein to the hens’ diet.

Free range eggs are higher in protein and contain less saturated fats because of their unlimited access to green pasture. “There may well be other benefits from the mussel feed,” said Anne. “We provide our hens with a nutritionally balanced diet formulated for us by Reid Stockfeeds so we are limiting the addition of the supplement to a maximum of 8% by volume. Phil said that the limited use was not expected to result in a fishy taint from the additional Omega 3. “We monitor egg quality constantly and if any change is detected, the trial will be halted immediately,” he added.

1 comment:

freeranger said...

The feed supplement arrived from Tasmania today, Nov 11. So we will start adding it to feed over the next few days.