Friday, October 18, 2024

Aussie Govt may order free range farms to close


The Australian Government may be preparing to order the closure of many small scale free range egg farms as a knee-jerk response to further cases of avian influenza, It splurged $22 nillion to increase the national vaccine stockpile. Health Minister Mark Butler warned that there was no room for complacency, even though human infections with avian influenza were rare.

“The Australian government’s investment increases the number of pandemic flu vaccines we have in storage,” Butler said. The planning is being led by The interim Australian Centre for Disease Control which says it is focused on ensuring Australia is prepared for any potential case of H5N1 avian influenza. Despite a lack of any evidence, politicians and bureaucrats spread claims that avian influenza outbreaks start on properties where the hens are outdoors. The reality is that most of the outbreaks in Australia started on intensive businesses with hens in cages or barns. Infections are often brought in by staff returning from overseas and working multiple shifts at different locations.Chickens on low-density free range farms are generally healthier than those kept in cages or locked in barns because they have sunlight and fresh air and are not overcrowded. There will be dire consequences if politicians panic and order all hens to be locked up. It will cut production and will result in a high level of mortality through cannibalism as free range birds have full beaks and are likely to attack other if they are closely confined in large numbers.

1 comment:

freeranger said...

The ACCC has just released guidelines for ‘free range’ labelling of eggs if there is an outbreak of the avian influenza H5N1. The Government is expected to order hens to be locked up - which is clearly impossible on a genuine free range farm like ours. It's not a problem for the big operators as their hens are locked up most of the time anyway.