Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Dead hens no health risk

The Shire of Gingin in WA says there are no health risks from an incident where 250 dead chickens spilled on to Gingin roads from a truck last week.

Gingin CEO Jeremy Edwards said the Shire had contacted the contractor who was transporting the chickens to a Moora facility.

He said the chickens were cleared from roads quickly.

"They were cleaned up by our operations crew and rangers and the company that owned the chickens also responded in a timely manner," he said.

Mr Edwards said the Shire had issued the contractor with an infringement notice for an unsecure load.

"About 250 chickens out of 12,000 being transported fell off," Mr Edwards said. The Shire and egg producer AAA Eggs will meet tomorrow for further mediation on a development proposal to build a free-range poultry farm for 300,000 chickens in a rural zoned area in Wanerie. The Shire refused the application but the State Administrative Tribunal is reviewing the plan.

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