Saturday, October 19, 2013

Next workshop on starting a free range egg farm

The next workshop on starting a free range egg farm is planned to be at the Freeranger farm here in Grantville on Sunday November 24, 2pm - 4.30. The next one after that probably won't be until May 2014.
Here's a link to the Fair Food Week website in August (which was when we ran the last workshop). The format will be similar but we will add more detail about biosecurity issues on free range farms.
The cost is $40 per person which includes our eBook. Payment can either be made by cheque, direct debit into our bank account or via Paypal. Check out the products page on the Freeranger website for banking details.


roysfarm said...

Is it possible to raise quails in free range? If yes, what's are the procedures?

freeranger said...

Yes Quail can be raised on free range farms. I've never done it so I can't offer advice. Here's a link that might help.