Monday, November 25, 2013

Egg stamping starts to roll out in Victoria

At last the Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries has got around to issuing stamping codes to egg farms. We have just received our code at Freeranger Eggs. The Government chose to delay the introduction of compulsory stamping of individual eggs with a farm identification code until November next year - to give the industry time to adjust! But we are happy to start stamping long before that. The only reason we haven't begun already is that we couldn't get a code from them to put on our eggs.
Identifying each egg should help to control egg substitution but there are a couple of problems. Firstly, backyarders with 50 hens or less are exempt - so that that means Victorian consumers are being put at risk by buying something like a million eggs a year which cannot be traced. It is unfair to impose regulations on just some sellers. The same standards should be applied to anyone selling eggs (give them away by all means but all egg sellers should have to meet the same regulations).
Secondly, it seems that eggs can be stamped on the grading floor. That defeats the object of stamping to identify the farm on which the eggs are laid. Staff at the grading floor can use any stamp they like so unless the eggs are stamped on farm before they are sent to a grading floor, there can be no guarantee that the eggs are from the farm identified by the code.

Here's a link to an article in Tassie about the nonsense which has been generated there by people who don't care about food safety:


Anonymous said...

It's great to see egg stamping being rolled out at last. Already the benefits have become obvious with a shop advertising cheap 'free range' eggs being detected selling stamped cage eggs from a producer near Bendigo. Strange how the VFF Egg Group is still opposed to egg stamping claiming it will not happen in Victoria. Is egg substitution the mainstay of someone's business?

Time for Minister Walsh to clarify where he stands!

freeranger said...

Yes egg substitution is a major business factor for a number of egg producers - and not just the major players. One so-called free range farm was caught bringing in non-accredited eggs from Queensland and some of those may have originated on a cage farm in New South Wales.
Egg stamping will help to catch those people involved in deceptive practices