She said her speech had been
misconstrued. Professor Nicol said that she agreed to appear on a
panel of scientists explaining some of the more complex issues about
farm size. During an hour-long briefing she said she mentioned that
birds on very large farms could have rather good welfare outcomes on
some measures. But, she said she could not prevent headlines like
'Cage hens are happier than free range' in the Daily Telegraph and
'Organic isn't better than factory farmed' in the Daily Mail. Even
the BBC reported that, 'Welfare standards are on average higher in
laying hens kept in cages than in free range flocks, according to a
leading veterinary expert.'
Professor Nicol is well known in
the poultry industry. Her team at Bristol has conducted research
studies on laying birds, including current trials on beak trimming.
Her speech, at an event about the merits of large scale farming organised by the Science Media Centre, came just over a week after Elwyn Griffiths, chairman of the British Egg Products Association (BEPA), stood up at the Egg and Poultry Industry Conference to say that intensive egg production offered the highest level of hen welfare.
Her speech, at an event about the merits of large scale farming organised by the Science Media Centre, came just over a week after Elwyn Griffiths, chairman of the British Egg Products Association (BEPA), stood up at the Egg and Poultry Industry Conference to say that intensive egg production offered the highest level of hen welfare.
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